Same company, with a fresh new look. Clevertech is now Lumenalta. Learn more.

Lumenalta Careers

Build exceptional things, with talented peers and awesome clients from wherever you might be.


Be ambitious, at home and at work.

A career at Lumenalta means the freedom to continue your tech career on your terms. We’re entirely remote and have been from the start.


Fulfilling work

Build cutting-edge tech with great client partners and team members. Solve complex problems in an environment where you have the freedom to optimize for possibilities.


Remote from the start

Since the beginning, we’ve been an office-less company so you can be as ambitious in your personal life as you are in your professional life.


Dedicated teams

Brain space for one problem set at a time, no burdensome time sheets. High expectations for your professionalism, but total trust in you.

Open positions at
Lumenalta. Architect

Diverse and challenging roles for developers, data scientists, designers, product analysts, quality assurance specialists, and business services roles. Build your career from anywhere.

How we hire

Frequently asked questions

What is the difference between a ‘hot’ and an ‘evergreen’ role?

What is a typical interview process and timeline?

Do I need to complete both sections of the application to be considered for an interview?

Will I be interviewing with a technical specialist and what is the format of the interview?

Do I need to take the technical test?

Will I be recorded?

What is the voice note?

Do I need to talk about my current work? What if I have an NDA?

Do I need to interview over Zoom, or can I use a different app?

What if the website gives an error when I submit my application?

What qualifications do you look for in developer candidates?

Do you have internship or entry-level opportunities for developers?

What are some interview tips?

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